How to Use the Employee Filtering Feature in Payroll Integrations App

Payroll Integrations pulls full census information from your payroll provider's system regardless of their employment type. This means if your retirement plan defines certain excluded classes, an employee filter will need to be set up. Additionally, if you have employees transferring between divisions, you may use this feature to remove them for their previous division's files. 


Please note that the employee filter will only need to be updated if there is a change -- for example, a new person hired under an excluded class, an employee's employment type changes from an excluded class to a non-excluded class, or a new transfer. 


To set up an employee filter, please follow the steps below. Please note, MFA must be enabled to complete these steps -- Enabling Multi-Factor Authentication.


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Setting Up Your Employee Filter

Updating Your Employee Filter


Setting Up Your Employee Filter

1. Log into your Payroll Integrations account.

2. Click on your company name

SelectCompany (1)


3. Click "Finish Setup"

finishsetup (1)


4. Click "Start" next to Employee Filtering



5. Click "Yes"



6. Click "Explain This" 

EFfitlering (1)


7. Click "Download the template"



8. Fill out the template with the employee's Social Security Number, First Name and Last Name. 

  • Note: SSNs should be formatted without any dashes (i.e. 123456789). If there are leading zeros in the SSN, the cell can be formatted as 'Text' so the leading zeros do not drop off in the CSV file. 

EFsample (1)


9. Save the file as a CSV file.

10. Click "Exclude Employees" or "Include Employees" based on how you would like to manage your filter.



Please note, you do not need to upload to both 'Include Employees' and 'Exclude Employees'. You only need to upload to one or the other. 


11. Select your file you just saved and click "Open".

12. Once the file loads, click "Upload". 

13. Once the filter has successfully saved, a table will appear with filter type (include or exclude), date of upload, user that uploaded the filter, and employee count on the filter.

Untitled (3)


This filter will remain in place until a new template is uploaded in its place. 


Updating Your Employee Filter

1. Log into Payroll Integrations

2. Click on your company name

SelectCompany (1)

3. Click "Finish Setup"

finishsetup (1)

4. Click "Edit/View"


5. Click "Download File" next to the most recently uploaded file.

Untitled (1)

6. Add or remove employees as needed and save file as a .csv.*

7. Click either "Exclude" or "Include" based on you are managing your filter. 



IMPORTANT: The most recently uploaded file will overwrite the previous file. It is important that you download your previous file, make changes to that file, save, and then reupload. If you upload a new template with only the new changes, it will wipe out your old filter. 


For any further assistance, please submit a help desk ticket here and we will get back to you as soon as possible.