If you are transitioning from ADP's 401(k) Recordkeeping services to another 401(k) Recordkeeper, the deduction codes that were used while ADP was recordkeeping your 401(k) will be removed by ADP. In order to ensure continuation of your employees deductions, you will need to add new Deduction codes specific to the deduction sources your plan is already utilizing.
1) Confirm when your ADP deduction codes are going to be deactivated by reaching out to your ADP Recordkeeping rep.
2) Set up new deduction codes in ADP Run by logging into your ADP Run account.
3) Navigate to the settings (usually on the left side of the screen)
4) Under the Payroll Section, select "Earnings and Deductions"
5) Select "Add Deduction" at the bottom of the screen.
6) Select "Retirement" in the Category Field
7) Select the deduction you'd like to add from the Deduction drop down and click "Save"
8) Mark whether or not your plan allows for company match. If yes, enter your match formula into the appropriate boxes. If no, select no and move on to step 8.
9) Scroll down to the bottom of the screen and click save.
10) Repeat Steps 4-7 for each deduction code that needs added.
Once all the codes have been added you'll need to assign those codes to each enrolled employee. Removing the old deduction codes if they haven't been removed already.
To assign a deduction to an employee
1) Log into your ADP Run account
2) Select "People" from the menu on the left
3) Select a person that needs deductions added
4) Click "Earnings and Deductions" on the left side of the screen
5) Click "Add Deduction"
6) Select the deduction you'd like added (401k or Roth)
7) Select whether their deduction is a percent or dollar amount from the drop down.
8) Enter that employee's deduction amount in the blank field.
9) Make sure payment type is set to "None"
For any further assistance, please submit a help desk ticket here and we will get back to you as soon as possible.